Greens in the Streets The 9-11 Crisis Green Party Joins ENN April 20th Call to Action [March on Washington, April 20th.] The White House promises a war without end. Under the pretext of strengthening security, our democratic rights are being further eroded, hundreds of people have been "disappeared" into jails and prisons, and corporate interests are shamelessly trying to use this crisis to their advantage. It is clear: unless we, the people of this country, rise up and come together now, the future for us and for people around the world is very bleak. But united, as we have done in the past, WE CAN MAKE CHANGE! There is an alternative! Register to Join the March on Washington for Peace and Justice. * Greens in the Streets * Turn Out the Greens * Be Seen Being Green (Updates coming soon) Site Map <> Email: Green Party PO Box 18452 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 232-0335